Hopsack Geer blazer
Custom-made blazer, appointments available in Paris or Milan.
A very famous dramatic actor, known and recognized for the series "The Los Angeles, Beautiful People," with 54 seasons from 1971 to 2020, Riccardo Giro had Americanized his name to Richard Geer. Married, with 4 beautiful children, he had, however, formed a very intimate friendship with the skipper of his yacht, the South American Paulito Palmas, a jealous and paranoid man. Geer promised, he lied, for years to his skipper about leaving his wife for good and embarking on a huge journey around the world. They were found dead on the actor's yacht, both poisoned by cyanide contained in a carafe of Blue Lagoon. Inspector Magnus concluded it was food poisoning, darn oysters...
Magnifique blazer en hopsack de laine couleur océan Pacifique (la nuit), croisé 6x1 : est-il possible autrement ?
Les épaules de ce blazer sont structurés à la manière romaine, les boutons métalliques dorés nous rappellent que le yatch doit être entretenu par votre personnel au moins deux fois par jour... Le revers honteusement gigantesque mesure 13cm de bonheur. Toutes les boutonnières sont faites à la main par des ouvriers sous-payés (selon la pure tradition de notre maison).